Ethical Guidelines

Prominent Publications is a publication that publishing scientific, original, peer reviewed research oriented articles of the journals in the field of Engineering, Technology, Science, Management, Humanities. All PPH Journals are academic, online, double blind, open access, peer reviewed. Prominent Publications and its Journal(s) strictly adopted following publication ethics and policies of:
1. Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE:,
2. Guidelines for what a Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement should adhere to (PEMS).

Ethical Areas to address:

The publication of an article in a double blind peer-reviewed journal is an essential base while developing of a coherent and respected network of knowledge. It shows of the quality of work of the author and the institutions that support them. Peer-reviewed articles support and embody the scientific method. It is therefore important to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior. Ethics topics to consider when publishing:
  • Authorship of the Papers: Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant real contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study.
  • Originality and Plagiarism: The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others that this has been      appropriately cited or quoted.
  • Data Access and Retention: Authors may be asked to provide the raw data in connection with a paper for editorial review, and should be prepared to provide public access to such data.
  • Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication: An author should not in general publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication.    Journals do not view the following uses of a work as prior publication: publication in the form of an abstract; publication as an academic thesis; publication as an electronic preprint.      Informationon prior publication is included within each publication and its journal Guide for Authors.
  • Acknowledgement of Sources: Proper acknowledgment.
  • Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: All submissions must include disclosure of all relationships that could be viewed as presenting a potential conflict of interest.
  • Fundamental Errors in Published Works: When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author's obligation to promptly notify the journal      editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper.
  • Reporting Standards: Authors of reports of original research should present an accurate account of the work performed as well as an objective discussion of its significance.